Ireland joins CFIT - New case study on remanufactured laptop procurement published!
At the close of the year, the Government of Ireland, through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC), became a coordinating participant in the Circular and Fair ICT (CFIT) Pact. To mark this milestone, CFIT published a case study that showcases Ireland’s approach to sustainable public ICT procurement, focusing specifically on the country’s framework for procuring remanufactured laptops, which was established by the Office of Government Procurement earlier this year.
Ireland’s sustainable ICT procurement strategy
The case study highlights how Ireland has applied CFIT's core strategies, such as "buying better" and "using longer," by developing a framework for procuring remanufactured laptops. This initiative addresses key challenges, including ensuring consistent quality, managing supply volumes, preparing for future needs, and clarifying the distinctions between remanufactured and refurbished products. This transparency is critical for enabling informed decision-making. The actions taken by Ireland contribute to its broader goals of reducing electronic waste and fostering more sustainable consumption practices.

Ireland’s commitment to green public procurement
In recent years, Ireland has introduced significant pro-circular policy and legislation. This has contributed to making real progress towards achieving a Circular Economy in the country. In April 2024 the Government of Ireland published "Buying Greener: Green Public Procurement Strategy and Action Plan 2024–2027" which sets out a number of actions and targets to drive the implementation of green and circular procurement practices across the public sector. This includes a specific target for sustainable ICT procurement, with a focus on the use of certified or remanufactured IT products.
Strengthening global efforts toward sustainable ICT practices
By joining the CFIT Pact, Ireland is contributing to a global movement aimed at promoting sustainable ICT procurement practices. Marieke Weerdesteijn, Program Manager at CFIT, emphasized the importance of Ireland’s involvement: "Ireland’s participation strengthens the collective effort toward sustainable ICT procurement. Its experiences provide valuable insights for CFIT participants and contribute to progress in making the ICT sector more sustainable." Through its participation, Ireland is enhancing its own sustainable ICT procurement efforts while also sharing valuable knowledge and good practices with others. This collaboration fosters learning and accelerates efforts to create a more sustainable ICT sector worldwide.
Discover Ireland’s innovative approach: full case study available
The full case CFIT study, which provides an in-depth look at Ireland’s innovative approach to sustainable ICT procurement, is available for those interested in learning more about this important initiative. Ireland’s efforts offer valuable lessons that can inspire other nations and organizations working toward more sustainable ICT procurement practices.