Final report - International working group on ethical in ICT procurement

The final report of the second phase of the Working group on Ethical ICT Procurement is now available. The final report summarizes the key results and also provides recommendations for further work. In last year's workshops, leading European Buyers of ICT discussed critical issues on human rights, due dilligence, ICT certifications, exposure to chemicals and working conditions at the re-use and disposal stage.

One of the recommendations of the members of the working group was to provide public procurers with more concrete and harmonised tools they can use during their day-to-day practices (e.g. specific criteria, specifications and clauses). This recommendation is taken on board by the CFIT Steering Committee as one of the priorities for 2023.

Building on the work of the Working Group on Ethical Procurement of ICT, CFIT will work on developing concrete guidance for procurers in relation to ethical procurement of ICT, building concretising the commitments of the CFIT framework for circular and fair procurement of ICT, in relation to due diligence and transparency.

About the working group on Ethical ICT Procurement - Within the framework of CFIT, the Belgian Federal Institute for Sustainable Development (FISD) worked together with ICLEI on different topics related to socially responsible public procurement of ICT in 2021 and 2022. The final report over the workshops in 2021 can be found in the right box with this article.